For some reason, I'm into Halloween this year. Maybe it's the 13 in 2013. Who knows, I'm just going with it. Today marks Day 1 of this short series, I borrowed a line from the Moody Blues: Beware the Gathering Gloom. This will be progressively a progressively darker series of photographs, all taken within the past two or three weeks.
Someone To Watch Over Me
QWERKY PHOTO BLOG: The Dark Months Begin
I am saving my best new shots for my upcoming Breathe Deep the Gathering Gloom: 12 Days of Halloween. I offer this shot because it was taken with my "new" vintage Rocket Camera. The first roll I took was not developed properly [thanks Ilford Lab : ( ]. This roll, with Tri-X pushed to 1600 turned out pretty good. I love the way this camera renders light. I will spend much more time with this camera in the coming months. P.S. I like the proportions, too, as well as the light leaks.