Discover insightful assessments, 90-second-ish reviews and top recommendations for St. Louis music, theater, dance and more—delivered by the award-winning writer, journalist, photographer, and lifestyle blogger CB Adams. Rely on Stage Snaps for independent, informed perspectives to guide you to the best local entertainment.

Note: Due to storage constraints, this page contains selected STL Stage Snaps reviews. The complete lineup is available on YouTube ( See you there — or at a show!

Pleased To Meet Me — Introduction to STL Stage Snaps

STL STAGE SNAPS - Manifesto No. 1 - Fully Independent Reviews

STL Stage Snaps with CB Adams — “Ragtime” at Stages St. Louis. An Impassioned Endorsement: click here for YouTube

STL Stage Snaps plus CB Adams - The Black Rep’s “Blues In the Night.” Click here for YouTube.

STL Stage Snaps plus CB Adams - A Reviewing Revolution With Hamilton at the The Fabulous Fox. Click here for YouTube. If you want even more, check out my fuller written review (and audio review) at KDHX.

STL STAGE SNAPS - Manifesto No. 2 — How to avoid that “I want those two hours back” feeling

STL Stage Snaps of Union Avenue Opera’s Production of Into the Woods. Click here for YouTube.

STL Stage Snaps Manifesto, No. 37. "No More Empty Language"

Here at Stage Snaps, I eschew the empty, boosterish, clichés because I am beholden to no one. I live by this quote from the play "Wit" by Margaret Edson: "Nothing but a breath, a comma separates life from life everlasting."