
Midwest Review Publishes 'Négatif Endommagé' by CB Adams

Midwest Review 8, a publication of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, has published ‘'Négatif Endommagé” by St. Louis-based writer-photographer CB Adams. The French title translates to “damaged negative” because the camera Adams used was experiencing a shutter malfunction.

Negative Endommage, image by CB Adams created with a Diana+ toy camera on medium format film.

Negative Endommage, image by CB Adams created with a Diana+ toy camera on medium format film.

“I was surprised when I developed that roll of film,” Adams says. “I was using a Diana+ toy camera, which by itself can product erratic, unpredictable images, and I could tell by the sound of the shutter that something wasn’t right. I’m still not completely sure what happened, but the negatives were significantly overexposed and have a double exposure quality about them. Out of the 12 exposures on that roll, I am pleased with three or four of them, which is a pretty high success rate.”

Midwest Review is an annual literary magazine that features work by writers, photographers, and artists who live in, have lived in, or have spent time in the Midwest—that diverse region of the north-central United States that includes the Great Lakes area and the upper Mississippi River valley, and the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas and Missouri. The annual publication seeks to publish well-crafted, thoughtful and thought-provoking writing and visual art that examines, interprets and redefines the full spectrum of life, past and present, in the Midwest.

“I am a Missouri artist who spends a great deal of time documenting the City of St. Louis. I am proud to be a St. Louisan, but my work often captures the grittier parts of the greater metropolitan area. I consider much of my work to be a sort of reverse-boosterism because the work depicts aspects of the city that could be — should be — better,” Adams says.

Adams shoots with a variety of cameras, from 35mm to medium- and large format, to capture these scenes. I regularly also use the lo-fi toy cameras like the Diana+, the original 60s-era Diana, and the Holga, as well as a hand-built camera made from components of multiple toy cameras.

“My approach is to match the fidelity of a particular camera with the way it will best render a subject, Sometimes, the aesthetic result that I want can only be — best be — made with a toy camera,” Adams says. "I was pleased to see 'Négatif Endommagé' on the same spread as the poem ‘Winter, Thirty-Seven Years Before His Death’ by Anemone Beaulier because tone — stark and cold — matches the tone of my photograph, even though it is a summer scene.”

Adams is preparing to create a limited number of matted gelatin silver prints, ~8x8 inches, of “Négatif Endommagé.” Contact him through his website for pricing information, www. qwerkyphotography.com/about.

Spread from Midwest Review 8 featuring the work of CB Adams, photographer, and Aneomone Beaulier, poet. Beaulier lives in Fargo, ND, and her poetry has appeared in The Briar Cliff Review, Cimarron Review, Jabberwock Review, The Pinch, Poetry Daily, …

Spread from Midwest Review 8 featuring the work of CB Adams, photographer, and Aneomone Beaulier, poet. Beaulier lives in Fargo, ND, and her poetry has appeared in The Briar Cliff Review, Cimarron Review, Jabberwock Review, The Pinch, Poetry Daily, Prairie Schooner, The Southern Review and elsewhere.

Freaks and Beeks Blog – Announcing ‘Hive Minded’ Project by CB Adams

Missouri Beekeepers deserve some attention and respect. I finally found a way to combine three of my loves: writing, photography, and beekeeping. I am announcing “Hive Minded,” my new fine art photography exhibit and book project focused on the work, dedication and activities of Missouri Beekeepers. This is a long-term photography project inspired as much by Missouri Beekeepers as it is by author James Joyce’s statement, “In the particular is contained the universal.”


For Hive Minded, the particular will be Missouri Beekeepers and how they practice the art, science, and husbandry of apiculture. The work that Missouri “Beeks” perform is the same throughout the world. I’m reminded of the three hives on the roof of the sacristy of the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris. They survived the devastating fire last year.

 I’m reminded, too, of 2019 Academy Award documentary nominee Honeyland about the work of Hatidze, a rural beekeeper in the mountains of Macedonia. She practices a near-forgotten type of beekeeping that includes foraging in nearby forests, mountains, and even crevices in abandoned buildings in her village. Her bee yard consists of skeps rather than the wooden box hives used by the rest of us.  

But the basics of her beekeeping are identical to those found throughout Missouri and the rest of the world. She understands the lifecycle of bees, the influence of the local environment, and the importance of maintaining a healthy ecosystem.

Hive Minded will be a photographic documentary of the way we Missourians “do” beekeeping. I am currently actively seeking Missouri Beekeepers to photograph for this project. I want to meet and photograph ALL Missouri Beekeepers, regardless of gender, age, location or skill level. There is no such thing as an “average” beekeeper, so I am open to working with practically anyone, anywhere in the state. If you’ve got a unique story about your beekeeping, even better.

The first step in the project is photographing beekeepers as they work with their bees. There are no costs involved for participants. In fact, participants will receive a print made by me in my traditional darkroom and be allowed access to use the images I make for their own purposes, whether private or commercial (with credit, of course)

When I have built up the portfolio of images, I will create an exhibition that will be available to galleries, museums, and other venues. Concurrently, I will be creating the Hive Minded book with curated and select images for publication.

This is a labor of love. I am pursuing this project and funding it initially by myself. It is not a “for profit” endeavor. I will make the photographs primarily using traditional analogue equipment on silver gelatin film. During each session, I will employ a variety of cameras in multiple formats: 35mm, 120, and 4x5 large format. I will use a mix of black and white and color film.  

For reference, when I shoot color 4x5 negatives, each shot costs several dollars, plus another $20 to process and scan. I’m willing to make this sort of investment because I want to promote importance of beekeeping – more important today than ever. I will initially pay for the costs associated with Hive Minded, including travel, film, equipment, processing, etc. out of my own pocket. I hope to solicit additional support from artistic grants and other type of funding, including a Kickstarter-type fundraiser for the book.

If you are a Missouri beekeeper and would like me to visit you and your hives, please contact me at 314.973.0239 or email me at cbadams@qwerkyphotography.com. I will keep information updated on this blog, Freaks and Beeks, on my website: www.qwerkyphotography under the “Language” section. If you know of someone, please refer them to me.

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I built my first Warre’ hives several years ago with my father.

I built my first Warre’ hives several years ago with my father.

CB Adams, MFA, is a writer and fine art photographer living in the St. Louis region. He received two of the Missouri Arts Council’s highest writing awards, the Missouri Writers’ Biennial Award in 1995 and the Missouri Writing! Award in 1985.

Adams’s photographs have been exhibited more than 30 shows, including most recently: A Smith Gallery, Johnson City, TX, Soho Photo Gallery in New York City, Yeiser Art Center in Paducah, KY, Lightbox Gallery, Astoria OR, Foundry Art Centre, St. Charles, MO, Art Saint Louis, St. Louis Arists Guild, and Columbia (MO) Art League.

The independent weekly newspaper St. Louis Riverfront Times named Adams “St. Louis’ Most Under-Appreciated Writer.” His short fiction has been published in more than a dozen literary journals, Zoetrope All-Story Extra, River Styx (twice), Elder Mountain: A Journal of Ozarks Studies, Thoughtful Dog, bluntly, The Distillery, Artistic Spirits of the South, and elsewhere. He has published more than 2,000 nonfiction articles in local, regional and national publications. He is a former reporter for the St. Louis Globe-Democrat.